Winter School for Investors

Our 5 day 7 Plan Business winter school led by CQC experts will teach you all about investing in the very lucrative HOME CARE and CARE HOME businesses in the UK (Roughly $6.5 trillion is spent globally on healthcare every year, according to the World Health Organisation.) You will learn exactly how to establish and run a successful CQC registered business together with a detailed overview of all the factors that are crucial to the industry. 


On day one the UK policies and the types of home care and care home facilities (mental health, disability, residential, etc.) as well as services (nursing, entertainment, etc.) are introduced and the differences to healthcare industry in China will be highlighted to expose the more advanced level opportunities available in the UK. 


Day two focuses on how to build a highly knowledgeable and loyal team with the help of yearly training from industry experts to upgrade your staff’s skills and keep them up to date with the latest CQC policies. On this day you will also learn everything there is to know about getting the business CQC registered, how to get the licence in the fastest most effective way.


On day three there is planned visits to several different UK Home Care and Care Home businesses (rural, residential, etc), to get introduced to some of the best examples of success stories.


On day four different types of investment opportunities are explained in more detail such as franchising, partnership, being the sole investor for the whole project. The recommended amount of money to invest in each project will be introduced. For franchises, help with building a strong team together with marketing ideas such as optimising their website and how to build a strong brand in the UK, will be given.


Last day of the program is scheduled to be free time to go sightseeing or shopping in London, have afternoon tea. On this day, there is an opportunity to speak with the managers and investors in a more relaxed atmosphere, create lasting relationships.

After attending all 5 days of the event, the investors will understand exactly how to manage a CQC registered home care and care home businesses in rural areas and in the centre of London, in residential areas, how to run a healthcare services agency and how to offer different nursing services, all for the maximum return for the money. The knowledge gained will be useful for improving the healthcare industry in China and will share valuable insights on how to raise the standards in this delicate industry. 

The maximum amount of attendees per event is 5 to keep the atmosphere intimate and assure that everyone can get the maximum amount of value out of the event. 

Our Teachers

CQC Registered Expert with over 15 years of experience in the industry and a proven track record of successful investments with a total turnover of 1 million.

Who is it for?

This course is essential for investors who are looking to invest in healthcare businesses and are interested in establishing a care business up to date with the latest CQC policies.

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